G Pop's Farm
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Beehives in your Garden

Beehives in the Orchard and on the Farm
We use our own beehives for pollinating the thousands of apples and pumpkins we grow at G Pops Farm. We have anywhere from 8 to 24 full hives on our property, and each hive can have up to 60,000 happy residents. In addition to making it possible to have lots of apples and pumpkins, we harvest some honey and beeswax from the hives for sale at our markets.

G Pop's Farm
19420 South Purvis Road
Pleasant Hill, Missouri 64080
Some worthy links:
An excellent article from Sunset Magazine for beginning beekeepers.

A Purdue University publication geared for 4-H and beginning young beekeepers. Good, basic stuff. 

This is a Utah periodical piece on backyard beekeeping. Check the attached links also.

Backyard Beekeeper's Assn Homepage; geographically remote, but the bee facts and calendar are great.

Cornell University's Masterbeekeeper calendar.  Cornell does a lot with bees and home beekeeping.